Local motives

When you're proud of something, you want to share it. So we did. We found out that our city has so much to offer when you're on bike, because it takes you beyond the most popular spots. The tandem & the city make the perfect setting to connect with your friends or family. Enjoy your  fysical activity, the local entrepreneurship, sustainable tourism. This way we make our city more than a pitouresque place. So, we leave you to discover the motives of real locals.

Our motive? A simple act of kindness always sparks another.

Let's take the time out for each other. Tune in that little voice in our heads to ensure we keep giving and not only 'take'! Give & take, and experience the magic of how good vibes travel far and bring everyone closer.




"Everything is self-made, from the inox barrel welding, the brewery, the shop, the b&b to the accounting.”

Step inside FORT LAPIN brewery and let the brewer speak about.. my favourite beers : the 'Hoplapin' and the refreshing 'Summer Sour' with bacils of yoghurt. Chin chin!



Urban agriculture is the future

Kopje Zwam grows oyster mushrooms in Bruges on coffee grounds of local bars

If we want a fine future we should care more about nature. 'Kopje Zwam' let's people grow their own mushrooms on their own coffee grounds. In Bruges we work together with social organisations to pick up the coffee grounds we grow mushrooms on and sell the mushrooms locally. Try it an visit the local stores of www.Para-Ti.be!



Experience another sense of music

More important than the viruosity of the musician, is the simple sound of the instrument.

Luc Vanlaere (yes my uncle ;-) is rated a top attraction to visit in Bruges. 
He switched his busker concerts in the streets to a self created concert hall in the small corridors of the old Maternity hospital Oud Sint-Jan in the heart of the city. 

His free entrance 40 minutes concerts move young and old instantly. The music is self-written, epic and intimate at the same time.  [As a child his musicallity and ease to play music inspired me to start to play my own instrument (thank you!)].

Step inside his oriental world and get totally zen by the variaty of sounds he manages to create with authentic and handmade instruments.

Concerts at 15.00, 17.00 and 18.30H from Thursday to Saturday during the high season (from April to October). In low season (November to December) only on Saturday.